Most Labradoodle puppies in Texas enjoy a swim in the backyard pool. But, contrary to popular belief, puppies are not always born swimmers, so you have to look out for your doodle puppy around water. Many new dog owners overestimate their new puppy’s swimming proficiency and underestimate the danger of their backyard pool. To prevent any unforeseen accidents, below are some tips to keep your puppy safe in and around water. 

1. Train your pup to exit the pool or other body of water

A pool fence can keep your pup safely on dry land, but young puppies can easily drown because they don’t have the strength required to swim to safety or climb out of a pool when they need to. That’s why a puppy’s first swimming lesson should teach them how to find the pool exit. 

2. Purchase a life jacket

The popularity of pet life jackets has increased in recent years. Life jackets are a great purchase for labradoodle puppies even if don’t have a pool in your own backyard, as you can easily bring them along to the lake. 

3. Get a pool alarm

Labradoodle puppies often love the water so much that they’ll find a way to get into the pool without supervision. The pool alarm will sound off as soon as something disturbs the surface of the water, so you’ll be able to immediately respond if your puppy sneaks outside undetected. 

4. Learn puppy CPR

No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen. Knowing how to perform CPR on your dog could save your puppy’s life and ensures that you and your puppy enjoy the water for years to come.

 Labradoodle puppies in Texas are drawn to the water, much like the rest of us after a few minutes in the heat. Therefore, it is up to you to show them in and around water. Always keep safety in mind, and let your puppy adjust to the water and the art of swimming at their own pace.   Playing and enjoying the water, while teaching them how to exit the pool should make learning how to swim a breeze.