Make this year one of a kind with a new family addition!
Older Puppies
Clifford, aka Mustache Man, was born on June 12, 2024 and he is Mattie’s Boy 8. He is the most adorable little boy. He is very sweet and people oriented. He is always happy to see you. He loves being petted and will lay at your feet when he needs a little rest. Clifford likes to explore, play with crinkle toys and cuddle with people but above all else, he loves to spash in the water! He would do very well in a home that has other pets and/or small kids. He is a low energy pup and has the most incredible relaxed, happy and friendly demeanor! We highly recommend Clifford for anyone looking for a service or therapy dog.
Clifford is caramel ice parti with caramel markings. His coat is low maintenance wavy fleece that is easy to take care of. Clifford is being introduced to grooming activities and he likes to be held to get his nails trimmed. Clifford is miniature and will be around 20-25 lbs when fully grown. He continues to work on crate and potty training and is doing very well with his training. He is very smart and picks up on commands quickly.
Zag was born on June 12, 2024. She is a very sweet and affectionate. She was playfully named this for her coat pattern on her back that looks very much like a zig-zag. Zag can keep herself busy, exploring the yard, playing with us or just veg out when she is fatigued. She is always is happy to see us and to receive playful cuddles. She is always ready for attention, especially hugs and kisses. Zag also loves to stay active with other puppies but every so often she finds us, as if reassuring us that she didn’t forget about us. Zag is very friendly and loyal. She loves meeting new people and loves getting attention from them. She is a low energy pup and would do well with retirees, small children, or other pets.
Zag has a beautiful silky chalk-white coat parti with chocolate markings. She has the most unusual and beautiful markings. Her coat is wavy fleece that is easy to take care of. She is a miniature and will be around 13-15 lbs when fully grown. She is currently being introduced to grooming and is learning to be patient so that we can finish various grooming tasks. She is very smart and continues to work on crate and potty training and is doing very well with her training.
Robin was born on June 12, 2024 and she is Mattie’s Girl 3. She was playfully named for her cute mask on her face that resembles Robin from the Batmen movies. Robin is happy, inquisitive and playful, but she always comes back to people to check in with them and to give them some love. Robin loves to be held and will lavish you with kisses and snuggles if you let her. She loves to play in the yard and chase after her siblings and friends. She is very loyal and when she wants to relax, Robin will lay next to you and watch what others are doing. She is a low-medium energy pup. Robin is very gentle and she will make a perfect family companion to an active family with older kids.
Robin is chalk-white coat parti with dark chocolate markings. Her coat is wavy fleece that is easy to take care of. She is currently being introduced to grooming activities and she is learning to wait patiently until the groomer is finished. Robin is miniature and will be around 13-15 lbs when fully grown. She is very smart and continues to work on crate and potty training and is doing very well with her training.
Cowboy was born on June 12, 2024. He is a happy, playful and social. He loves attention and he loves to play with kids. Cowboy is confident but not overbearing. He is even tempered and adjusts very well to changes. He is inquisitive and loves to wag his tail when you call him over. Cowboy is a low energy pup. He loves meeting new people and would do very well in any home. Cowboy would make the perfect family companion and has a Therapy or Service dog temperament!
Cowboy has a wavy caramel tuxedo coat that is silky fleece and very easy to take care of. He is currently being introduced to grooming activities and he is doing well in the tub during his baths, getting his nails clipped and with the blow dryer. Cowboy is a miniature and will be around 18-20 lbs when fully grown. He continues to work on crate and potty training and is doing very well with his training. He is very intelligent and has the most incredible soulful eyes!
Reddington was born on June 8, 2024. He is playful but very calm. He’s self-assured and people-oriented. He will happily give you a kiss if you lean in, and he loves being picked up, often falling asleep in your arms. Reddington is very patient and adjusts well to changes. He is very smart and learns fast. With his low energy and incredible temperament, Reddington would make a wonderful therapy or service dog. He has the most incredible demeanor and would thrive in a home with retirees, small children, or other pets.
Reddington should be around 20 lbs when fully grown. He has a gorgeous red silky wavy fleece tuxedo coat that is very easy to take care of. He is currently being introduced to grooming activities and he will sit patiently and wait until the groomer is finished. Reddington is very smart and he continues to work on crate and potty training and is doing very well with his training.
Milo was born on June 8, 2024. He is a happy-go-lucky pup that has a very sweet demeanor. He is playful, loves attention and above all, he loves playing with kids. He loves going for car rides and meeting new people. He is self-assured but people oriented. Milo is a low energy pup. He would do very well with a family that has retired or one that has small kids or other pets. Everyone that meets Milo falls in love with him! Milo would make a wonderful family companion. He is very smart and is a good candidate for a Therapy or Service dog!
Milo is black with the most adorable white markings on his chest and his chin. His coat is wavy fleece that is easy to take care of. He is currently being introduced to grooming activities and he will sit patiently and wait until the groomer is finished. Milo should be around 25-30 lbs when fully grown. He continues to work on crate and potty training and is doing very well with his training.